I'm using the build assets script (with the dependancies tracked) script that was included in the Asset Bundles file. I would like to export a few maps I created to upload to a webserver for use with my multiplayer game - and all the scripts work fine. I can make it work with simple objects like cubes etc. But when I try creating a asset bundle for a prefab of one of my maps - I get this error: Asset bundles can not include Editor Objects.
What??? There's no editor scripts in there. What could this be and how can I fix it?
Okay, here's what you do.
All of the assets in your scene need to be in a single folder in the Hirearchy view.
Next, you need to create a new prefab (Create ->prefab)
Drag the folder with all of your scene assets into the new prefab.
Then, select that new prefab and export it with dependencies.
I have beat my head against this process a thousand times already :D Good Luck!
editor scripts is not the same thing as editor objects. Editor objects are the default cubes / spheres etc that you can create in the editor. Hence ‘editor objects’. These are not ‘real’ objects per say - you can’t load them into multiple scenes, etc. UNLESS you do what ekim suggests - make them into a prefab.