I’m using Jenkins build system.
Bundle and iOS App are build on different machine.
Build bundle result is not same. it occurred only locale bundle.
But all remote package type bundles have same file name.
Of course, all project assets are the same.
It make different catalog.json. and it can’t make contents update and app update.
In your attached images, the different file is the .resource file. As far as I know, .resource file contains audio data from AudioClip
AssetStudio has a feature to export the all/selected assets(Menu: Export → Selected Assets). Then you can compare the exported files.
If there is still no difference in those files, maybe the difference is in some data only used by the engine side (like the EditorDataHash for the shader asset). In this case, you can use AssetStudio’s source code to debug the deserializing process to find out which asset changed.
Probably now…
I have to make a decision.
I will change the group configuration so that local bundle is not used.
If a random and unpredictable local bundle change occurs as above,
As far as I know,
when the first Addressable Asset is loaded,
the Remote catalog.json is automatically downloaded and updated inside the Addressable System,
so the change in the local bundle file name means that the local bundle cannot be found, and therefore the asset cannot be read.
Usually, the local bundle has assets used for the initial start of the app, so it means that it does not work from the start of the app.
In the actual service phase, it is not possible to proceed with this foreseeable risk.
I encountered a similar issue of AudioClip before. I figured out it was due to an AssetPostprocessor didn’t run on the build machine. Normally, the changes made by the AssetPostprocessor should be commited to SVN, so there should not be local modification on the build machine. But someone forget to commit them and the AssetPostprocessor didn’t run on the build machine with unkown reason. After that, we checked if there was local modification on dev machine and made sure they were committed to SVN before making a release. Not sure it’s related to the issue above.
As a reply from a Unity developer, building on different machines is not recommended. For our project, in order to avoid assetbundles from being changed unexpectedly, we’re using only one machine to build Addressables and make sure every branch and every platform has their own folder, so they don’t interfere with each other.