Hi All
Althought I know that this Course is for Oculus Rift, I saw that could also can be for Oculus Quest…
more info about this course here
Now, I am making ( I finished the Unit 3) and I cannot export to Quest because I have a building error in Unity. This is the following
Malimbe.XmlDocumentationAttribute: The field ‘VRTK.Prefabs.Interactions.InteractorVisibilityModifier.InteractorVisibilityModifierFacade/UnityEvent VRTK.Prefabs.Interactions.InteractorVisibilityModifier.InteractorVisibilityModifierFacade::Shown’ is annotated to be documented by XML documentation comments but none were found.
For it, Could anybody help me to fix it?
Thanks for your time
I’m having the same issue. Are you using VRTK 4 with Unity LWRP by chance? That’s what I’m using. I tried going to a whole new project with the same settings and I got it to go away for awhile, but it returned randomly even on my whole new project.
Hopefully, someone knows how to fix this, I’ve been messing around with no luck!