I have a vital need to keep supporting Go, but I want to move to Unity 2020 LTS from 2019.1. The problem, of course, being the lack of support for Go. Is there a way to do this, using the legacy Go-compatible SDK(s)?
We’ve been updating the Oculus v18 integration, which works on 2020 LTS, except for an issue where moving to a different application and then returning to the application (pause/resume) sometimes leads to a black screen and various OpenGL errors.
Warn GL_Utils SetWarpState GL Error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION
Error BufferQueueProducer [SurfaceView - /com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity] query: BufferQueue has been abandoned
Any chance you’ve made any progress on this or encountered this as well?
We would be willing to share the set of changes on Oculus integration for those who ask - the primary issue being that licensing on Oculus Integration prevents public posting IIRC.