Has anyone got this build crash in 5.3.3 p1 where the console gets spammed with “Cannot load Interface Builder file ‘/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Resources/English.lproj/NSAlertPanel.nib’”?
Hi @laurentlavigne ,
Can you tell me which version of Xcode you are using?
I am using Xcode 6.2 (6c131e)
Hi @laurentlavigne ,
I would recommend upgrading to a more recent xcode. This may mean that you also have to upgrade your operating system as well. If you upgrade to Yosemite (10.10.5) you will be able to utilize xcode 7.x.
I’d rather avoid that because the new OSX is pretty terrible.
Could you test against xcode 6.2 on your side and see if building works well?
I’m currently on OSX 10.11.3, el capitan so I do not have the exact environment that you have. I will try none the less.
I tried with xcode 6.2 on OSX 10.11.3 with a test project and was unable to reproduce your error. If you have a small repro project you could submit a bug with it and we will be able to better help you with this issue.
I logged a bug with the attached project: 776317