On Monday I was building a WebGL project and it was generating the Release folder with the gzip files, Today it stopped to do that, only the build uncompressed files are generated, reinstalled but the same, tested on Win10 and Mac.
Have you seen this behaviour?
I recently updated to 5.6.4p3 from 5.5 and am experiencing the same issue (using Mac).
My output files are being gzipped; I was just assuming there would be a “gz” in the file extension but it’s “unityweb” only (5.6.4p3). I just learned you can verify if your output file is gzipped by using the “file” command in a shell:
$ file WebGL.wasm.code.unityweb
WebGL.wasm.code.unityweb: gzip compressed data, was "WebGL.wasm.code.unityweb", has comment, last modified: Thu Dec 14 20:09:25 2017, max compression, from Unix