BuildOptions.WaitForPlayerConnection VS EditorUserBuildSettings.waitForManagedDebugger

What is the difference between BuildOptions.WaitForPlayerConnection and EditorUserBuildSettings.waitForManagedDebugger? What do they both explicitly do.

EditorUserBuildSettings.waitForManagedDebugger sounds straight forward and the docs backup what it sounds like it does.

BuildOptions.WaitForPlayerConnection also sounds straight forward and the docs also back it up, however I’m unsure of what “Sets the Player to wait for player connection on player start.” actually means.

If there is a variable called WaitForPlayerConnection and the docs say “waits for player connection”, I don’t think this is helpful at all! We need some context and definitions of terms and maybe, if we’re lucky, an example

Bumpity bump

I’m not really confident with the answer, but this is my thought:
EditorUserBuildSettings.waitForManagedDebugger is especially for the option you can see in Build Settings > Script Debugging, that allows you to set breakpoint, etc. in your IDE’s debugger to debug your player. (Doc)
BuildOptions.WaitForPlayerConnection is similar, but is for Profiler and PlayerConnection / EditorConnection, which allows you to profile and send/receive arbitrary messages between editor and player.
These two feature are at different contexts, and “maybe” they use different communication channels when sending/receiving messages, so separating them as different options sounds reasonable.