I hope this is the right forum to report this issue. I was having a lot of issues extending our custom builder tool to support iOS and after spending some hours of debugging I found using
I cannot use the full project for a bug report and just tried to set up a new project from scratch, but building worked just fine. I am now going through the logs by myself trying to figure out what is causing the actual crash. Maybe I find the offending assets. Problem is, we also have some custom import processors running for textures and shaders and maybe they cause some confusion during the compilation process.
The crash usually happens somewhere during the shader compilation process. I have seen some rare occasions where the asset data looked like a video. I’ll check if adding the Post Processing Package will trigger the crash.
This is the output from one of the logs:
Base path: ‘/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.14f1/Unity.app/Contents’, plugins path ‘/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.14f1/Unity.app/Contents/PlaybackEngines’
Cmd: initializeCompiler
We are observing an editor crash in 2021.3.36 when building for iOS with BuildOptions.DetailedBuildReport enabled. Sounds like a regression of this issue.
Hi, we’re having the same issue in 2022.3 LTS. Commenting out DetailedBuildReport from the BuildOptions solves it. Does anyone know what’s causing this issue?