Builds canceled with no reason


Since the last few days, we have a lot of builds that are cancelled automatically. There is no log, so we cannot know the reason.

UCB Team, can you tell us what is happening ?


We are experiencing this as well. I am seeing multiple cancelled builds in a row, and we have a deadline coming up.

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I have the same problem. The build is canceled without a reason shortly after the start. If not, the build fails with a message “no access right”. I did no changes in the configuration since the last successful builds some weeks ago.

We’ve also been plagued by automatically cancelled builds since yesterday. We have 11 apps that all needed building for demos, and I spent most of the day trying to get them all completed.

We’ve also noticed that the Teams integration that tells us when builds are started and completed has stopped working since around midnight last night.

We saw the same thing. Today we are getting builds failing for no reason other than this:

Error: Bad runner encountered, please resubmit the job.

Also seeing the “Bad runner” errors.

Can we please get some visibility into what is going on?

Of course the status page says everything is 100% operational and there are no problems.

Happened to me too, and now I’m having a hard time loading the Cloud Build dashboard pages (History, Config…)

Trying to load the History page sometime leads (after a long loading) to an error message: An error occurred while loading the build targets for this project.

Was able to load the page after multiple refresh.

UPID: 8c002931-57d7-4cf3-bab8-dbf47ee08214

The builds are flowing again!

It’s still cancelling by itself here. And no logs are shown due to an error loading them apparently.
Edit: After a few restarts it suddenly seems to work.

I tried to opened a bug, hopping it would trigger some alert to somebody at Unity …

No luck, it was closed automatically because “Wrong Unity Version” …

Seriously unity, is it too much to ask to have someone looking at the forum at least once a day, and answer when there are report of technical problems ?? I am not even asking you to resolve the problem, but at least acknowledge that there is a problem and start a discussion with your clients on how you could fix it and how we could eventually workaround ??


I am also getting “Error: Bad runner encountered, please resubmit the job.” errors. Kinda ruins the whole point of automated builds doesn’t it?

Do we think perhaps we could get those bad runners to a cobbler? Perhaps they just need new soles.

I just got one today for the first time

I got one with Unity 2021.3.8f1 LTS. I just upgraded my project to this version, now downloading 2021.3.9f1 and trying on it.
EDIT: didnt work.
The same project builds successfully on my original copy on LTS 2021.3.4f1

In most cases, builds are cancalled when there is a time out with one of the build processes.
These timeouts can be caused by many different things and they can be different case by case basis.
I recommend contacting Support when you have a canceled cloud build, as when contacting support, they can check your build history and configurations. Such information is helpful when investigating canceled builds.

For me fixed by switching back the Texture format compression from ETC TO ETC2