BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle does not include my scene objects

I am performing the following to export my scene into an asset bundle:

[MenuItem("Assets/Build Web player Streamed")]
static void ExportScene(){
    string level = "Assets/scenes/scene_exercise_2547.unity";
	string[] levels = new string[1];
	levels[0] = level;
	string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel (
		"Save Resource", 
		"New Resource", 
    if (path.Length != 0) {

Then I am trying to load the asset bundle like this in Start():

IEnumerator Start() {

   using (WWW www = new WWW("http://localhost:12960/animations/2547.jpg")) {
		yield return www;
		if (www.error != null)
			debugger.text =  www.error;
		AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle;
		Debug.Log ("loading level");
		Application.LoadLevel ("scene_exercise_2547"); 
        Debug.Log("level loaded");


I get no errors and the two Debug.Log messages show up just fine. The problem is that whatever objects I have in the scene that is LOADING the asset bundle all disappear and no level is loaded from my asset bundle. So I don’t know if the asset bundle is empty, or if my method to load the level is not working.

Any help here would be awesome.

Thank you

You can try flowing code:

IEnumerator Start()

var gameDataDownloader = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload("Game data url", game_version); // game_version is integer
yield return gameDataDownloader;

// Handle error
if (gameDataDownloader.error != null)
	yield break;
	var bundle = gameDataDownloader.assetBundle;

	// Load the level we have just downloaded
	if (this.IsTutorialFinished())
		Application.LoadLevel("Put name of main scene here");
		Application.LoadLevel("Put name of tutorial scene here");
// Do more stuff here
