I really like that with ListView you can specify item template inside UIBuilder, bind itemsSource in UXML and it will automatically create and remove items for you. Is there something similar planned for grids of elements? I know that AppUI has GridView element but I have issues with it(sometimes it’s not creating items, sometimes it’s creating only when changing game view resolution, and it doesn’t have item template field in UIBuilder so you have to assign template from the code along with the makeItem and bindItem methods.
Hi @Onigiri, i just came across your thread. May i ask what kind of bugs did you get in App UI GridView with item creation? Nobody reported this kind of issue in the past so i am intrigued. If you have a time to report a bug with a small repro project i would take a look at it.
I will do a pass on every App UI component to support runtime bindings, especially complex one like the GridView.
Thank you!
I’ll try to repro it but it was kinda random so no promises.
@mickael-bonfill reported as IN-90956
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