Buld failed, unsupported data ...


I try to build my game, and i get:

Asset has disappeared while building player:
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildPlayerInternalNoCheck(String[ ], String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions, Boolean, UInt32&)
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildPlayerInternal(String[ ], String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions, UInt32&) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\artifacts\generated\common\editor\BuildPipeline.gen.cs:200)
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline:BuildPlayer(String[ ], String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\artifacts\generated\common\editor\BuildPipeline.gen.cs:145)
cgBuildScript:GenericBuild(String[ ], String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions) (at Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:56)
cgBuildScript:PerformBuild(String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions, Boolean) (at Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:150)
cgBuildScript:PerformBuild(String, BuildTarget, BuildOptions) (at Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:141)
cgBuildScript:PerformWin64DevelopmentDebugBuild() (at Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:174)

[C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Src/BuildPipeline/BuildSerialization.cpp line 1921]
(Filename: Assets/source/editor/projecthandler/cgBuildScript.cs Line: 56)

DisplayProgressNotification: Build Failed
Error building Player: Couldn’t build player because of unsupported data on target platform.

(Filename: Line: -1)

Unloading 197 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)
System memory in use before: 246.5 MB.
System memory in use after: 239.9 MB.

Unloading 55 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 37876.
Total: 664.420288 ms (FindLiveObjects: 8.785313 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.400890 ms MarkObjects: 651.488708 ms DeleteObjects: 0.742384 ms)

Load scene ‘Temp/__BuildPlayer Backupscene’ time: 78496.039063 ms
Unloading 499 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)
System memory in use before: 234.3 MB.
System memory in use after: 236.7 MB.

Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 37878.
Total: 646.233154 ms (FindLiveObjects: 9.124506 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.403876 ms MarkObjects: 633.420654 ms DeleteObjects: 0.282020 ms)

  • starting compile Library/ScriptAssemblies/Assembly-CSharp.dll, for buildtarget 19
    Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 2)
    System memory in use before: 191.4 MB.
    System memory in use after: 194.1 MB.

Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 37878.
Total: 655.552185 ms (FindLiveObjects: 9.502525 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.659445 ms MarkObjects: 642.072388 ms DeleteObjects: 0.315726 ms)

*** Cancelled ‘Build.Player.WindowsStandaloneSupport’ in 3507 seconds (3507188 ms)

Exception: BuildPlayer failure: Error building Player: Couldn’t build player because of unsupported data on target platform.
at cgBuildScript.GenericBuild (System.String[ ] aScenes, System.String aTargetDir, BuildTarget aBuildTarget, BuildOptions aBuildOptions) [0x00036] in C:\Work\workspace\Development and Debug\game\Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:60

at cgBuildScript.PerformBuild (System.String aName, BuildTarget aTarget, BuildOptions aOption, Boolean aPublicInstall) [0x0003d] in C:\Work\workspace\Development and Debug\game\Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:150

at cgBuildScript.PerformBuild (System.String aName, BuildTarget aTarget, BuildOptions aOption) [0x00000] in C:\Work\workspace\Development and Debug\game\Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:141

at cgBuildScript.PerformWin64DevelopmentDebugBuild () [0x00000] in C:\Work\workspace\Development and Debug\game\Assets\source\editor\projecthandler\cgBuildScript.cs:174

(Filename: Assets/source/editor/projecthandler/cgBuildScript.cs Line: 60)

executeMethod method cgBuildScript.PerformWin64DevelopmentDebugBuild threw exception.

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Utilities/Argv.cpp Line: 152)

I think unity is a bad joke … without support … nice work guys …

The target platform is windows desktop … :slight_smile:
The error from any PREFAB!! Editor can load … builder can’t …

Did you find a solution to this ?
I’m having the same problem.

I found a solution, the file generated by unity sharedassets0, sharedassets1, etc, each one of those files cannot be bigger than 2gb.
So, the solution is just to make scenes smaller or with lower resolution textures,etc.

I have other problem :frowning:

Strip the project down as much as possible, then submit a bug report and include the bug number here. I’ll prod one of the QA guys.

That’s a bit odd, given that I’ve worked for Unity for 6 years running the support team…

I have bug report from 2010? open … 2013 open, 2014 open … no ansers :slight_smile: (i bought the pro …)
My project size is ~11GB and i can’t remove the assets and scripts because i dont know what need to remove :slight_smile:

I wrote from these bug in another thread (whit “send the project” answer, but i can’t send the project)
We found that bugged prefab. It was a simple gameobject with some components (mesh, mesh renderer, rigidbody, animation, only UNITY components), but when we play the editor, sometime set the file size to 0, we dont know why …

When i removed these prefab, the builder can build the assets … but now i get these error message again.
The editor can play the game in edit mode

I try to build on my PC from menu, but the unity editor crashed … (~ 2 hours build time after crashed, and write to the log, can’t create texture.texture, because have any problem with 3D device …)
I try to build on the build machine, and get that error message …

Can write out any information, what file is wrong, unsupported? while stop the build?

Solving your problem by yourself is pretty much impossible. Unity solving your problem for you without access to your project is also impossible. I’ve offered to get you some help, but it will involve your project, as I have explained.

If I was in your position I’d:

  1. Remove the last 50% of scenes from the build, and try a build. If this works, then you know the problem is in the last 50% of scenes. If this doesn’t work, you know that the problem is in the first 50%.

  2. Given your new knowledge of scenes that show the problem, divide those scenes in half, and try builds again.

  3. Repeat until you find a scene that causes the problem. (It might be all scenes, of course.)

  4. With a single scene, strip out 50% of the assets and try a build. (If all the scenes cause the build failure, then you can choose just the smallest scene.)

  5. Repeat (4) until you find an asset/prefab/script that seems to cause the problem.

  6. Send that scene in as a project with your bug report.

Of course, I know that these steps can take ages. You might decide that you just don’t have time to do this work, and prefer to have a project that won’t build. I have told you to get a bug report into Unity, and I’ll prod the QA guys to take a look. We don’t even know currently what version of Unity you are using. We have the editor log from your first post in this thread. As I have explained, we can see the Unity code that causes these error messages, but it’s not possible to track that down to a particular asset.

I know my reply here isn’t helpful for you, but I am trying to help you as much as I can.

Post the bug numbers and I’ll take a look and explain why they were not processed. Without seeing them, my guess is that the bugs were not detailed enough.


We found the bug
Added prefab to a scene, save and close
Load an other scene and delete the prefab
On the first screen it will be: missing prefab

The build crashed when build the first scene. :frowning:
Can we get any information on the build time from the scene name and gameobject name (in hierarchy?)