I am first time taking my project from android to iOS. & I started getting tons of warnings while opening project in xcode. It builds in simulator but does not run. I also have tested this with new project with simple cube but same issues. Attached is the screenshot of errors. I use UNITY 5.1.1f1 personal & Xcode 7 beta 4…Anybody knows the solution?
Those warnings occur in generated C++ code from IL2CPP, and they should be benign. I suspect that problem running in the simulator is unrelated to those warnings.
Thanks JoshPeterson, I have decided to use latest & stable version of Unity & Xcode. So used Unity 5.2.1f1 & Xcode 7.0. Now I can build & run using mono 2x but when I choose IL2CPP & Universal, it throws two errors & does not run.
Warning: Error creating LLDB target at path '/Users/xxxx/- using an empty LLDB target which can cause slow memory reads from remote devices.
dyld: Symbol not found: _xxxx
Referenced from: /Users/xxx/xxx
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Users/xxx/xxx
Any idea how to solve these?
I’m unsure about the cause of this error. Do you actually reference a function named xxxx in a file named /Users/xxx/xxx? Or is there something going on here where the error is not being displayed correctly?
No actually its a long path name…
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN6il2cpp5utils35RegisterRuntimeInitializeAndCleanupC1EPFvvES3_i
Referenced from: /Users/xxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E36737F1-A8F9-4905-A529-016A7075D0C7/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/71928DAC-BDF9-46B3-A354-4758D885369B/xxxx.app/xxxx
Expected in: flat namespace
in /Users/xxxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/E36737F1-A8F9-4905-A529-016A7075D0C7/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/71928DAC-BDF9-46B3-A354-4758D885369B/xxxx.app/xxxx
Thanks, this makes more sense now. So the RegisterRuntimeInitializeAndCleanup symbol is not found. This is a bit odd, as it is compiled into the libil2cpp static library. I’ve not seen an error like this before. Can you submit a bug report and include this project? We may need to have a look at it here to sort this out.
Ok, Submitted…
Case 732326
Thanks for submitting this, we will investigate it.