bullet instance firing at 90 degree angle

im creating a projectile instance and setting it’s rotation and movement to head toward the mouse but it keeps firing at a 90 degree angle clockwise. Tired toying around but no success, any ideas?

//Get mouse co-ordinates relative to screen
			Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

			mousePosition = mousePosition;
			//Get mouse co-ordinates relative to world
			mousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);

			// If the player is facing right...
				// ... instantiate the rocket facing right and set it's velocity to the right. 
				Rigidbody2D bulletInstance = Instantiate(rocket, transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.position - mousePosition , Vector3.forward)) as Rigidbody2D;

				bulletInstance.AddForce(bulletInstance.transform.right * speed);

Don’t use AddForce(), but Translate() or MoveToward() to move your bullet from your player location to your target (in Update() or a coroutine).