Bullets dont delete properly

the bullets spawn and launch properly but the problem is that i have a destroy object script for 5 second which it works, after 5 seconds of the bullet being spwned it dletes itself the problem is that when it deletes the final bullet that spawned unless i keep firing, it wont spawn anymore bullets saying that Object type rigid body has been destroyed but im still trying to access it. how do i fix it hers a video :- YouTube

and my spawn script

#pragma strict
var Bullet : Rigidbody;
var Spawn : Transform;
var BulletSpeed : float = 1000;

function Start () {


function Update () 
function Fire(){
		Bullet = Instantiate(Bullet,Spawn.position,Spawn.rotation);

then delete script

Destroy (gameObject, 5);

The problem is that when you instantiate a new bullet, you store it over the variable that you use to instantiate the next bullet.

What this means is that when the last bullet is destroyed, your Bullet variable now refers to a destroyed rigidbody. When you next attempt to instantiate a bullet, you pass Instantiate() destroyed object. To fix this, you’ll want to have a separate variable that stores the newly instantiated bullet.

function Fire(){
    var newBullet : Rigidbody = Instantiate(Bullet, Spawn.position, Spawn.rotation);
    newBullet.AddForce(Bullet.transform.forward * BulletSpeed);