Bullets Fly Up?


I was following this tut:

but my bullets are flying up, instead straight from the gun. I tried multiple things that were suggested in the comments (vector2.up, detach firepoint etc.) but nothing works. Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? I have:

  • the sprite is pointing up, like in the tud

  • I put the codes at the appropriate places

  • I also checked the tuts man gitHub, the code there wont work either.

If somebody could help me out here, I would be really happy! Thanks! :slight_smile:
I posted the same thing here, with pictures : Reddit - Dive into anything

im mostly focusing on 3D Games,
but as i can see in your code you got:


which causes the problem most probably,

you would need to use the vector your looking at, in your case that would be Left/Right i think :slight_smile:

You want to use transform.right instead of Vector2.up in your Translate call.

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Is there any way to create a vector in the direction the mouse is pointing? because transform.right is good for looking right, but when you look left, the bullet flies to the right, through my player.
But I have a script, that I use to move the weapon around, is there a way to use it for the bullet?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Gun : MonoBehaviour
    //Was brauchen wir? Die Waffe soll dem Mauszeiger folgen. Wie geht das mit Skripten? Wir müssen den WINKEL berechnen, in dem der Sprite dem Cursor folgt.
    public float offset;

    //Nun, da wir die Waffe drehen können, brauchen wir das eigentliche Schießen
    public GameObject bullet;
    //Die Bullet muss natürlich von irgendwoher kommen...
    public Transform firePoint;

    // cCountdown, bevor man wieder schießen kann.

    private float timeBtwShots;
    public float startTimeBtwShots;

    private void Update()
        //Zu erst müssen wir den allgemeinen Abstand zwischen Cursor und Sprite berechnen.
        Vector3 difference = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position; //direction = destination - origin
        float rotZ = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; //das berechnet den Abstand
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotZ + offset);

        if (timeBtwShots <= 0)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                Instantiate(bullet, firePoint.position, transform.rotation);
                timeBtwShots = startTimeBtwShots;

            timeBtwShots -= Time.deltaTime;

        //Die Bullets sind sehr einfach. Das Public GameObject ist unser Projektil, und wenn wir eine Taste drücken, wird dieses gespawnt

and this script is on the bullet

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Bullets : MonoBehaviour
    public float speed; //Wie schnell ist die Kugel?
    //Die Kugeln sollen natürlich kaputt gehen, wenn sie nicht auf Geister treffen

    private void Update()
        transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime);
