My bullets are set to go pretty fast and because of this, they don’t always hit the colliders on the enemy. The giant cube wall behind is very thick so the bullet usually ends up hitting that. How can I get it to register the collider and not pass through it because of the high speeds? I set its rigidbody to extrapolate and I don’t really notice a difference.
I ended up making the bullet longer in the direction it was traveling and now it works like a charm. Thanks
For anyone looking at this question, I think the established system for handling this problem is to perform your own collision testing by doing a raycast of either where the bullet is to where it’s going to be in the next frame, or where the bullet is, to where it was in the previous frame. In either case, if there’s an object detected by that raycast, the bullet would (or would have) hit that object.
I prefer the first version, testing where it will go, because that’s going to let you know not just what you (are going to) hit, but where you hit it. For example, I have a helicopter made of many smaller parts. Using this method a fast moving projectile will not just hit the helicopter, but hit the 3rd section of the tail rotar. I can then give that piece it’s own rigidbody and collider, then add explosive force to it, and make “debris” fall off the helicopter when it’s hit.
Just a suggestion for those who come across this question.