Bump Mapping in Android

I wondered if anyone else is seeing this problem. I created a model with a normal map in mudbox, assigned the Bumped Diffuse shader, and it looks fine when the Platform is set to the Standalone version. When I switch the platform to Android, the normal mapping is no longer applied in the scene. Indeed, I can remove the Normal Map texture (set it to none) and reset it, and the model appears only diffused in both cases. I tried changing to the Mobile->Bumped Diffuse, but it still does not apply the normal map. I haven’t tried this on my phone yet, but I would like to see it in the Game window so I’ll know if I need to make changes before compiling and installing on the phone.


Try opengl es 2.0 in player settings

Nope, didn’t work, good thought though.

Ensure the graphics emulation is also set to 2.0?

It takes 2 seconds to build and run on the your phone, just give it a try

That is a highly inefficient workflow to make a mobile game. I would recommend setting the graphics emulation as Farfarer suggested as that fixed my problem. Thanks guys.

Have you found a solution to this? I’m having the same problem now

As noted, go to player settings and change graphics emulation to OpenGL ES 2.0

Also, you can only use a single directional light. One of the shaders specifically says this in the shader name, which would make you think it was a special shader that only used a directional light, but if you open up the bump shader, it says this at the top as well.