Bump Normal map Gimp going too deep

Does Unity use bump maps or normal maps?

Looks like normal maps to me but it’s named as bump map.

So I make a blue to pink normal map in Gimp using the nvidia plugin and it looks good the bump doesn’t look extreme looks nice. save that out to unity and it’s way deeper than I want it to be I’ve tried diluting the bump map to barely visible but it always is either there deep or not there.

On my model I have the regular texture which is UV mapped and painted in blender then I have my second texture which is modified in gimp as a bump map…

Not sure why the color information is going to such an extreme on unity is there a way to control the depth in unity?

It’s set to PC bumped specular also tried android bumped specular. Shiny doesn’t change the depth information

I made my bump map in gimp instead of unity because unity was bumping things I didn’t want bumped or inverting things I had painted.

Unity uses normal maps, for some strange reason Unity shaders refer to them as “bumpmaps” or “normal bumps” though.

When importing your normalmap do not forget to set texture type as Normal map and uncheck “create from grayscale”. I do not know why that checkbox is there in the first place, I doubt anyone would trust unity texture importer to generate normals for them.

Also, I recommend using Njob for generating normals from diffuse. (Or Knald/crazybump if you are willing to spend some $$)