I could use a little help from somebody more learned in the ways of graphics then me.
I have a model made in Max which seems to look fine, but if I assign it the Bumped Diffuse shader (or any bumped shader) I get some strange edge artifact. And if I actually give it an bump map it goes really wrong.
Picture 1: With the Bumped Diffuse shader attached
Picture 2: Bump map added
I’ve attached the model and bump-map. If anybody can tell me what’s wrong they will earn an eternity of gratitude*
(*Eternal gratitude expires 3/2008 and can’t be traded in for money. Quality of eternal gratitude may vary during online communication)

44655–1626–$gullwing_162.zip (1.43 MB)
i don’t have max but it looks like a smoothing or non-welded verticies issue to me, i’d check those first ; )
As far as I can tell everything is welded fine and I can’t see what the smoothing issue could be. I’ve added a mb version if you (or somebody else) would like to look.
44661–1628–$gullwingmb_833.zip (51 KB)
Have you set the split angle in the import settings to 180 degrees?
mb - that’s maya yes? (i’m a poor blender user ; )
another thing to check is the import settings in unity (click your mesh in project pane, hit settings button).
The model is smoothed in max, but even if I try to smooth it in Unity’s import settings I get the same artifact. (I assume spit angle is the same as smoothing angle)
The first picture shows some pinching due to the triangulation of the model. You may want to neaten this up using the ‘turn’ command in Max. The second picture shows some seams showing up at the edge of the UV groups, this happens when using normal maps. The best thing to do is hide these edges where they wont be seen or where you actually want some seams. However, this does involve re-UVing the model. They do render fine if using the normal bump shader in max but if you turn directX mode on they will show up.
Great, thanks for the help and the tip on directX mode.