Bumped Specular Legacy Shader weird reflection artifacts when using normal map

Hello guys,

I have a problem with the Bumbed Specular Legacy Shader. Problem can be observed from following screenshots (top image - with normal map; bottom image - without normal map) and also here with normal map again.

Unity versions I tried are: Unity 5.4.0b13 and Unity 5.4.0b15

This weird “chess board” glitch is visible only in the place where reflection happens and only when I am using my normal map.

Do You have any idea why this happens?


Looks like a precision problem.
When you are using a bumpmap, some vectors are transformed into tangent space, and that is probably done a little inexactly for the sake of performance.

It looks like Unity is using half3 vectors to represent both viewDir and lightDir through all lighting calculations.
I think maybe using float3 vectors would solve it, but it would take me several hours to rewrite the lighting framework to be higher precision. And the result would be a very ugly shader.

What you might do is add a little noise to the smooth parts of your cubemap to hide the artifacts.

ETC1 texture compression on my normal map was the cause here! Thank You for Your effort anyway :slight_smile: Entirely my fault in the end.