Bunch of big problems after importing ''Stealth project''.

So i wanted to follow the Stealth tutorial and downloaded the assets,after the import there are so many problems and it ruined my project.First i got errors in the console(input axis not setup) which i fixed but now my terrain textures are so broken,they look like low resolution and stretched out.Another big problem is also that now whenever i exit a scene or my whole project and i click on DONT SAVE it actually DOES SAVE.I reopen my project and i see the changes have been saved,so wtf is going on?
My question now is how do i revert back to NOT having problems?I have a backup copy of the whole ‘‘Editor’’ folder,can i simply delete everything in the Editor folder in my HDD and then copy paste my backup from the usb there?Thx

Please have a look at and post in this thread Tutorial Project: Stealth under Unity 5.x - Learn Content & Certification - Unity Discussions