Bunch of errors when build unity in xCode

hello guys,

i have done a project for iphone in unity3d....i have done build for "ios" in unity...

it gave as a full project in xcode...when i'm trying to build this i got bunch(1758) errors like "RegisterAllStrippedInternalCalls() in RegisterMonoModules.o"....

what is the actual problem ??? how can i solve that..

thanks in advance.


The above errors was fixed...i gave the solution in answer section

but still i got some errors.... " error: 'mono_dl_register_symbol' was not declared in this scope "

can any one atleast say ans for this one...

i'm using unity3.0 and simulator ios 4.2 .....i got some information as the simulator doesnt set for mine??

is it correct?? how can i solve it???

just before i found those errors and cleared......

using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class SomeScript : MonoBehaviour {
// This tells unity to look up the function FooPluginFunction
// inside the static binary
[DllImport ("__Internal")]
private static extern float FooPluginFunction ();

void Awake () {
// Calls the native FooPluginFunction
// And prints 5 to the console
print (FooPluginFunction ());

just use this into your unity project file....then build it...the xcode wont show that kind of bunch errors... i think that error has happened bcoz of that plugins error.....

http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Plugins.html you can refer from this link...

hey guys....

finally i have done my iphone project.....these kind of errors can be solved by giving the correct details when we build in player settings....so please be aware while you build your project....need to set player settings correctly in "target iOS as device or simulator & platform"....


Hi, I’m trying to build a project of augmented reality for iPhone using the plugin String, but when I try to make a test whit Xcode, i get the error:

‘mono_dl_register_symbol’ was not declared in this scope

I’ve written to Unity support and they send me to this tread for solution. I would like to know where I have to insert the command above, so the build will work. I would also appreciate If you could tell me which is the correct settings in Player Settings.

Thank you,

Fernando Nectoux.

hi fnectoux… i have mentioned some bugs what i have faced when building the project for iphone using unity3d… http://sriwonder.blogspot.com/

Hope that it’ll be help you…