Up until now I believe Gizmo like Debug.DrawLine still can’t support burst properly yet. Basically when u burst it, Gizmo will suddenly disappear and never able to get it back. Can official make it able to still display Gizmo even it’s burst compiled? And also it will even nice when building runtime player will auto strip out Gizmo code
I’m not sure I understand. Are you trying to burst compile the OnDrawGizmos
I try to burst compile Debug.DrawLine
I’d recommend not putting Debug.DrawLine in any burst compiled method.
But since my project is dots project, most of the code will be burst compiled and I need Debug.DrawLine inside burst compiled code to debug something.
It’s not an official solution, but I’ve found ALINE works really well as a debugging tool with support for Burstified code: ALINE | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store
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I recommend that when you’re building ECS/DOTS, you think really hard about why people were using Unity in the first place.