IMHO this really needs some tooling improvement. How am I supposed to take that error and figure out what the heck it even means let alone how to fix whatever is causing it?
The stack just seems to be a dense list of pretty much ALL my job structs - even ones that don’t have the BurstCompile attribute, but even if it showed just one job in the stack I still wouldn’t have any clue what code IN the job I should be looking at.
So through a process of just commenting out code until the error went away, I managed to narrow it down to I think the code that creates a new instance of a struct is what causes the error?
var edge = new Edge(centroidIndex, neighborCentroidIndex);
public struct Edge : IEquatable<Edge>
public int A, B;
public Edge(int a, int b)
A = math.min(a, b);
B = math.max(a, b);
public bool Equals(Edge other)
return A == other.A && B == other.B;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is Edge other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
return HashCode.Combine(A, B);
Context what method this code is in and maybe even the path leading to that method call would help and/or the full callstack of the error.
I don’t think Edge class is the issue, it’s where you’re instantiating it. As I see it “static constructor” is the thing to watch out for. Check any classes that have a static constructor. Perhaps this could also relate to methods attributed with [InitializeOnLoadMethod].
Like I said the stack was really non helpful but here it is for reference.
(0,0): Burst error BC1091: External and internal calls are not allowed inside static constructors: Interop.BCrypt.BCryptGenRandom(System.IntPtr hAlgorithm, byte* pbBuffer, int cbBuffer, int dwFlags)
Thanks. I know NOTHING about hashcodes but found something on SO that I think will work and compiles.
That’s great that they are fixing this specific issue but my post was more about the fact that the error is completely opaque I think to most users. Half of your reply didn’t even make any sense to me
Unity has always been about opening up the power to create to more people, not less, and this is just IMHO something that is overly technical and hard to understand - the very type of thing DOTS is supposed to be helping with So some extra tooling here to better help the developer understand where the error is, what the error actually means, and how to fix it would be great
Just my feedback there. Replacing the HashCode.Combine though with some magic code I got off SO seems to have worked though. Here is that code for anyone else (or future me) that runs into this and Googles:
public override int GetHashCode()
unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
int hash = 17;
// Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :)
hash = hash * 23 + A.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + B.GetHashCode();
return hash;
I also get confused by the errors, but I think it refers to the item at the top of the ‘stack’ TiledSphere.Jobs.CalculateMidPointsJob? Something marked static that is calling another method. Maybe…