Burst error BC1200 while building for Android

The following code throws a compile error when i try to make a build for Android:

if (IsSse2Supported)
    while (targetOffset - DataOffset >= 16)
        // load data
        v128 data = loadu_si128(pData + DataOffset);

        // xor
        var result = xor_si128(data, mask);

        // store
        storeu_si128(pData + DataOffset, result);

        // advance
        DataOffset += 16;
else if (IsNeonSupported)
    while (targetOffset - DataOffset >= 16)
        // load data
        v128 data = vld1q_u8(pData + DataOffset);

        // xor
        v128 result = veorq_u8(data, mask);

        // store
        vst1q_u8(pData + DataOffset, result);

        // advance
        DataOffset += 16;

It logs out two errors:

As can be seen above, my code already tests for IsSse2Supported.

If i remove the first block of code it compiles just fine. Building for non-Android platforms doesn’t complain about the Neon code.

Hi @BestHTTP ,

First, thank you so much for reaching out to us here! People like you help us make Burst and Unity better and more robust.

It indeed looks like bug-like behavior to us. Is it possible for you to file an official bug-report with your/a project that reproduces the bug-behavior included so we can reproduce the issue on our end and investigate it thoroughly? :slight_smile: (here’s how to file formal bug-reports in Unity). That would help us immensely! :slight_smile:

@Miro_Brodlova Reported, its id is IN-60973.

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Thank you @BestHTTP :slight_smile:

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