Burst Errors on 2020.1.2f1

Hello !

I’m getting several of those errors on the 2020.1.2f1. All packages are updated. It’s occurs even if burst is disabled.

Any help will be welcome. BR

InvalidOperationException: Burst reflection error. The type Unity.Entities.JobChunkExtensions+JobChunkProducer1[AudioSpectrumSystem+<>c__DisplayClass_OnUpdate_LambdaJob0]does not contain anExecute method Unity.Burst.Editor.BurstReflection.FindExecuteMethods (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] assemblyList) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.burst@1.3.2/Editor/BurstReflection.cs:206)
Unity.Burst.Editor.<>c__DisplayClass31_0:b__1(Task`1) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.burst@1.3.2/Editor/BurstInspectorGUI.cs:158)

I have got the same problem. It happens when I try to open up Burst Inspector and those messages pop up. The Inspector window does not show any of my jobs on the left pane.

My Unity version is the same as OP’s.

Edit: Updating Burst to 1.3.5 from 1.3.2 fixed the problem.

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Thanks @Larkman for the feedback.

I tried before to upgrade Burst to 1.3.5 but without relaunch Unity.