Busy World AI [RELEASED]

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Busy World AI is a fast way to implement and make populated worlds like those seen in AAA games like the Assassins Creed series, Hitman games and Grand Theft Auto games. Due to Busy Worlds lightweight framework and fast implementation it can be featured in almost any scene with minimal strain on the games fps and playability.

-Customizable AI to suit your game
-Action nodes that make your AI do a specific action such as read the newspaper, talk to people and shop
-Simple to read and understand code that is designed to be customized
-Code is also fully commented
-Capable of running hundreds of AI while still maintaining a solid frame rate
-Set up in minutes
-Tons of updates planned, get it while its cheap

Busy World AI can quickly and easily create fully realized and interactive worlds where numerous inhabitants behave in a realistic and meaningful way.

Along with the ability to customize the AI to behave in different ways, busy worlds AI also features easy-to-read, well commented and optimized code which has useful functions that easily can be expanded for making even more realistic AI.

Web Player Demo
Misery is delicous (A game using the prototype of Busy Wolrd AI)
Documentation PDF

I like the implementation of your ai.

But I think it is eating up a lot of resources. Do you believe that there is room to optimize it more?
Make it multithreaded perhaps?

I also like the Implementation of you AI.

Planning on buying it come Friday :smile:

Are there any future plans for Busy world AI? If so I would like to hear them.

The next big optimization phase will be coming after I finish the current update I am working on.

Currently I am working on 2 scenes for an update to show how beautifully Busy World AI can be implemented and one mechanic update. The mechanic update will make Busy World AI work for 4x style games such as sins of a solar empire. This will mean space ships can go verticle as well. The other scene is one that copy’s the AI scenes of the hitman games with crowds and such.

After this update I will add more flexible action nodes to create a more realistic world and increase optimization, I will also consider adding a more realistic AI option that will make the AI smarter but it will cost more performance.

Thanks for showing interest in Busy World AI. Pick it up while its cheap.

Here is a small WIP snippet of the next update: Webplayer demo

It allows for 4X space style movement.

I’d absolutely love this package… but… I tried the webplayer demo, and on the 3rd seen with lots of AI, I was get 13 fps. I also tried the spaceship demo which is awesome… except things were flying in/through each other.

If you can optimize this, I’m totally into buying this!

Hey carmine. I totally forgot to account for the fact people don’t have the same pc specs as me. The scene where you recieved 13 fps is less of a this is recommended thing and more of this is what you can do and regarding the collision of space ships, having the spaceships and AI not collide could potentially decrease performance so for the demo’s I didn’t make them collide. Due to the fully commented code it is very easy to add physics collisions if you wanted. I may actually include an option for that in the next update.

Just remember that after I have updated this package a few times I may increase the price if I feel it is worth it.

Here are some more example demos for the next update, no real features in these ones. They are just to show people how to use the asset.

Small City (Low population)
Small City (Med population)

Hi !
Thank you for this nice tool.
Can you maybe provide an update with a scene using the manual feature ?
I’m trying to let the character cross the road only if the streetlight is green. But I can’t figure out this. Do you have any tips ?

Also, on scene1, if I place a node in the middle of the scene. The character go there and cannot find a new node. It makes Unity crashing totally.

Thank you for your help !

Hey thanks for buying Busy world AI. I will add a scene that waits for a light to turn green in the next update. Regarding the node in the middle: nodes work by checking their left,right,forwards and backwards. Because the 4 nodes on the outside are all aligned (the perfect sqaure means they can check left,right,forwards and backwards and be positive they have found another node.

Having 1 node in the middle that cant find a neighbour means that when the AI goes there it wont be able to find the next node and it will crash.

See how here the one in the middle has no other nodes joined? This is the wrong setup

but this one does, this is the right set-up.

PS: the manual option is for manually setting nodes. So instead of searching for neighbours at the start it will use which ever ones you put in the nodes possible nodes array. You will want to do an action node. Change the DoAction() function in the AI script to check to see if a light is green and then move if it is and wait if it isn’t. As I said I will still add a scene doing this in the next update anyway.

Please feel free to keep asking if I didn’t explain it well.

Thanks for the answear :wink: I will try that asap !

About the crash, I was actually saying that you should prevent it. Cause if no node is found, your while( node == null ) is looping infinitly which cause the Editor to crash and you loose all the changes in your project.

So you could just add this :

Very interested in your product, does it play well with other assets,

my game is all 2d characters set in a 3d sandbox world,

will I be able to set up my sprites /w animations to function in your game properly. (probably ex2d or similar asset)

and also will it work well with ORK or RPG - Kit (have not decided which one to get)

Hey anthonyk2, all the little bugs like that have been fixed in the latest update that will be coming in a few days.

Busy World AI will work with any other asset pack. It will also be incredibly simple to incorperate some of ORK or RPG kits features into the AI because of how well commented the code is.

All your characters and sprites need is the AI script attached to them and they will behave as intended.

Traffic light demo

Still a bit buggy and gets occasional errors. Once these are fixed the update will be done.

Ive bought it but i havent found a way to replace the dummy model with another animated one? Can you send me a message explaining how this is done please?

Hey paulojsam, this shouldn’t be to hard. Simply get your new model and add the AI script. That’s all that is needed. Rename the animation names in the inspector to match that of yours. Thats all that is needed. The dummy model also has a collider and a rigidbody.

Just one question - does this work with mobile? What’s the performance like?

I haven’t tested it with mobile. I should work but I wouldn’t expect any where near the same results as you would get on pc due to system specs.

Sorry to be so vague but I never really thought about it.

this looks interesting… I’ve followed a car, and sometimes it pass through people. have you tough about people to avoid the car or any other object.