Button bash to play animation?

I want to create a button bash, for example clicking the Left Mouse 8 times in a period of time, to play an animation. Does anyone can give me a simple example of this in JavaScript?

Here is one way that should work, you will need to have the animation object attached to the same object as the script and make sure “animName” matches that animation objects name. Borrowed the basic idea from a gun firing delay script somewhere.

//These go after class definition

var clicksRequired: Int = 8;  //how many clicks you need

var clicksPerTime: Int;       //how many are currently active

var clickLife: Int = 1;       //how long you get 

var nextClickFade: Float;     //how long till oldest active click is subtracted

//This goes in update


    //Add current click
    clicksRequired ++;

    //Check whether you have reached the goal rate and activate reward anim
    if(clicksPerTime >= clicksRequired)

//Check if oldest click has reached fade time

if(Time.time > nextFire)

    //Subtract oldest click
    clicksRequired --;

    //Set delay before next oldest click is subtracted
    nextClickFade = Time.time + clickLife;    
