Using Unity 5.6.3p2
Building a game for Android.
I have a scene called “Main” that is active when the app starts. There is a single button called “Create”. Button takes you to “Scene2”. In Scene2, there is a button called “Save”. “Save” does some stuff in a function, and the last line of that function is: SceneManager.LoadScene(“Main”);
The function works… the things that are supposed to happen happens, and then the user is returned to “Main”.
However, Now the “Create” button no longer works. It still highlights when you press it, but it doesn’t take you to “Scene2” anymore.
My “Main” Scene does have an “EventSystem” and I do have “Force Module Active” in the checked state.
My question is similar to UI Buttons Stop Working After I Load Another Scene And Then Come Back. - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions but I think the answers are not applicable to the current version of Unity.
More details I should probably add:
In my “Main” scene, I have a object I call the “Game Controller”. Within this object is a script component and that contains this:
void Awake ()
if (Instance == null) {
DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
Instance = this;
} else if (Instance != this) {
Destroy (gameObject);
(I should also add that I’m fairly new to Unity)