Button fully unresponsive

So im trying to make a pause menu in my fps/adventure game and the buttons i’ve added are totally unresponsive, i have scoured the internet using every ‘solution’ that i can find, however nothing works, this is my first proper unity game so this is quite foreign to me

A few things to check out for:

  1. Graphic Raycaster should be added to the canvas and enabled. It is needed to register input on canvas.
  2. Other UI elements can cover your buttons and in result make the buttons unresponsive.
  3. Make sure that the button component is enabled and Interactable set to true.

how do i make sure that nothing is covering the button

If another UI element is on top of it… Not the graphic, but if you click on your UI elements you’ll see like a white box/rectangle. This is called the “Rect”, if the white lines intersect another UI element, if it’s on top of it your mouse will click on it instead of the button.

Also, in play mode, keep an Inspector view on the EventSystem GameObject. The bottom of the Inspector will show what UI element the cursor has detected. If another UI element is blocking the button, as Pampusz’s item #2 suggests, the Inspector will show which UI element.

Another possibility is that a parent GameObject has a Canvas Group component whose Interactable checkbox is unticked. It’s unlikely in this case, but it’s worth checking if you can’t find any other reason.

Put an Image component next to your button component, and make it transparent. This will make sure it will react to clicks.