I have a script with GUIBox button, writted in the script, I need to put the script to work with a UNity 3D plane.obj as a button, I need help to implement that, i dont want the GUIBox button from the script.
If yes i put the script here. ok.
I have a script with GUIBox button, writted in the script, I need to put the script to work with a UNity 3D plane.obj as a button, I need help to implement that, i dont want the GUIBox button from the script.
If yes i put the script here. ok.
Ok here is a picture atach, showing the GUIbox button, and the Plane that i need to work as a button, and the script is here.
I need 1 Plane button for each Guibox button.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PostSampleFull : MonoBehaviour {
private Demo demo;
private string text = "Message";
private string url = "https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/9277";
private int unityVersion = 0;
private TouchScreenKeyboard keyboard = null;
private Texture2D texCaptureScreen = null;
private bool activityPopoverEnable = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
demo = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<Demo>();
char[] version = Application.unityVersion.ToCharArray();
unityVersion = (((version[0]-'0') * 100) + ((version[2]-'0') * 10) + (version[4]-'0'));
private IEnumerator CaptureScreen() {
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
texCaptureScreen = ScreenCapture.Capture();
void OnGUI () {
// Scaling
float scale = (Screen.width > Screen.height) ? (Screen.width/960.0f) : (Screen.height/960.0f);
Vector2 guiCanvasSize = new Vector2(Screen.width/scale, Screen.height/scale);
GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2(scale, scale), Vector2.zero);
// Buttons
const int buttonCount = 4;
float buttonWidth = guiCanvasSize.x/(buttonCount+1);
float buttonHeight = guiCanvasSize.y/4;
float buttonMargine = buttonWidth/(buttonCount+1);
Rect buttonRect = new Rect(0, guiCanvasSize.y-buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
// Tweet
bool doTweet = false;
buttonRect.x = buttonMargine;
if (iOS_PostToServices.CanTweet()) {
doTweet = true;
} else {
uint state = iOS_PostToServices.GetTwitterState();
if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Platform) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Tweet
→ iOS Only");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_iOSVersion) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Tweet
→ Lower iOS Version");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Account) {
// GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Tweet
→ Setup
Twitter Account");
doTweet = true;
} else {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, “Tweet
if (doTweet && GUI.Button(buttonRect, “Tweet”)) {
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) {
// Tweet (iOS 5.0 or later)
if (iOS_PostToServices.Tweet (text, url, texCaptureScreen, this.name, “OnFinishedPostToService”)) {
// Facebook
bool doPostToFacebook = false;
buttonRect.x += (buttonWidth + buttonMargine);
if (iOS_PostToServices.CanPostToFacebook()) {
doPostToFacebook = true;
} else {
uint state = iOS_PostToServices.GetFacebookState();
if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Platform) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Post to
→ iOS Only");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_iOSVersion) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Post to
→ Lower iOS Version");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Account) {
// GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Post to
→ Setup
Facebook Account");
doPostToFacebook = true;
} else {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, “Post to
if (doPostToFacebook && GUI.Button(buttonRect, “Post to
Facebook”)) {
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) {
// Facebook (iOS 6.0 or later)
if (iOS_PostToServices.PostToFacebook (text, url, texCaptureScreen, this.name, “OnFinishedPostToService”)) {
// Mail
buttonRect.x += (buttonWidth + buttonMargine);
if (iOS_PostToServices.CanMail() == false) {
uint state = iOS_PostToServices.GetMailState();
if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Platform) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Mail
→ iOS Only");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_iOSVersion) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Mail
→ Lower iOS Version");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Account) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Mail
→ Setup
Mail Account");
} else {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, “Mail
} else if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, “Mail”)) {
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) {
// Mail (iOS 3.0 or later)
iOS_PostToServices.MailInfo mailInfo;
mailInfo.subject = “Subject”;
mailInfo.toList = new string[1] { “to@mail.com” };
#if true
mailInfo.ccList = null;
mailInfo.bccList = null;
mailInfo.ccList = new string[2] { “cc@mail.com”, “cc2@mail.com” };
mailInfo.bccList = new string[3] { “bcc@mail.com”, “bcc2@mail.com”, “bcc3@mail.com” };
if (iOS_PostToServices.SendMail (ref mailInfo, text, url, texCaptureScreen, this.name, “OnFinishedPostToService”)) {
// Activity
buttonRect.x += (buttonWidth + buttonMargine);
if (iOS_PostToServices.CanPostToActivity() == false) {
uint state = iOS_PostToServices.GetActivityState();
if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_Platform) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Activity
→ iOS Only");
} else if (state == iOS_PostToServices.StateNotAvailable_iOSVersion) {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, "Activity
→ Lower iOS Version");
} else {
GUI.Box(buttonRect, “Activity
} else if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, “Activity”)) {
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) {
// Activity (iOS 6.0 or later)
iOS_PostToServices.SetActivityPopoverEnable_for_iPad (activityPopoverEnable);
iOS_PostToServices.SetActivityPopoverTargetRect_for_iPad (buttonRect.xscale, buttonRect.yscale, buttonRect.widthscale, buttonRect.heightscale);
uint disableFlags = 0
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToFacebook
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToTwitter
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToWeibo
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeMessage
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeMail
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePrint
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeCopyToPasteboard
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeAssignToContact
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeSaveToCameraRoll
// iOS 7 over
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeAddToReadingList
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToFlickr
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToVimeo
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypePostToTencentWeibo
// | iOS_PostToServices.ActivityTypeAirDrop
iOS_PostToServices.SetActivityDisableFlags (disableFlags);
if (iOS_PostToServices.PostToActivity (text, url, texCaptureScreen, this.name, “OnFinishedPostToService”)) {
// buttonRect.y -= 40/scale;
// buttonRect.height = 40/scale;
// activityPopoverEnable = GUI.Toggle(buttonRect, activityPopoverEnable, “Enable
// Text, URL and Image
GUI.Box(new Rect(0,0, guiCanvasSize.x*0.25f, guiCanvasSize.y*0.6f), "");
buttonRect.x = buttonRect.y = 0;
buttonRect.width = guiCanvasSize.x/4;
buttonRect.height = guiCanvasSize.y/8;
if (((unityVersion >= 410) && (unityVersion < 420)) && (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)) {
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, text)) {
keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(text, TouchScreenKeyboardType.NamePhonePad, /*autocorrection=*/true, /*multiline=*/false);
if (keyboard != null) {
text = keyboard.text;
buttonRect.y += buttonRect.height;
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, url)) {
keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(url, TouchScreenKeyboardType.NamePhonePad, /*autocorrection=*/true, /*multiline=*/false);
if (keyboard != null) {
url = keyboard.text;
} else {
text = GUI.TextArea(buttonRect, text);
buttonRect.y += buttonRect.height;
url = GUI.TextArea(buttonRect, url);
buttonRect.y += buttonRect.height;
buttonRect.height = guiCanvasSize.y/10;
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Capture
Screen")) {
buttonRect.y += buttonRect.height;
if (texCaptureScreen) {
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(buttonRect.x,buttonRect.y, guiCanvasSize.x/4,guiCanvasSize.y/4), texCaptureScreen);
private void OnFinishedPostToService (string message) {