Button Input fires multiple times as performed

Hey folks,

as I’m new into the new Input System, this problem is causing me a severe headache:

When I press a button dedicated to an Input Action, it fires three times (as performed!).

Here’s the script that listens to Input Actions and fire’s a Debug.Log

    private PlayerInput playerInput;
    private PlayerControlActions playerControlActions;

    private void Awake()
        if (playerInput == null)
            playerInput = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<PlayerInput>();

        playerControlActions = new PlayerControlActions();
        playerControlActions.Player.Ability1Charge.performed += OnAbility1Fire;


    void OnAbility1Fire(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        if (context.performed)
            Debug.Log("Ability1Charge: " + context.phase);

On runtime, when I press the dedicated button (T-Key) ONCE, it gives me this output:

This is my PlayerInputActions Asset (saved as C#-Asset named “PlayerControlActions”

The problem does not occur when checking Gamepad.current.buttonWest.wasPressedThisFrame in Update()

Has anyone seen this happening before?
I already double-checked if there are any other Player Input Components present in the scene.

Best regards

Did you even Solve this problem? I have a simpler problem where at the start of the input it triggers started and performed once, but when the input is canceled it triggers canceled, started and performed, and then canceled again. I tried setting the trigger behavior to release only, but no luck. Also, the position is not returning the right position in the first started and performed event.