I apologize for asking yet another projectile motion question. I have been asked by my boss to use transforms instead of rigidBodies for a basic physics example using initial velocity and angle on an object. I think I have the math down… when I put the code into function FixedUpdate() the sphere gameobject launches in an arch just as expected and the coordinates echoed to the console checked out.
Now I have added a slider for velocity/angle and a button to apply the slider values to the sphere game object. To adjust for Time.time having a head start before the button is pressed, I set a newTime = Time.time var after the button is pressed, then use (Time.time - newTime)everywhere I would use Time.time.
Unfortunately, the sphere just jumps to a y of 9.98 and stays there. I put the transform in if ( y > 0 ) hoping it would perform the displacements calculations until the sphere reached the ground plane again.
Thank you for any help.
// Initial Velocity
var xInitial: float;
var yInitial: float;
// Initial Positions
var x: float = 0;
var y: float = 10;
var yStart: float;
var gravity: float = -9.8;
var theta: float;
var r: float;
var velMagnitude: float = 0;
var newTheta: float = 0;
var newTime: float = 0;
function Start () {
var yStart = y;
function FixedUpdate () {
function OnGUI () {
// Initial Velocity
GUI.Label(Rect(3,300,200,50), "Initial Velocity");
velMagnitude = GUI.HorizontalSlider(Rect(3,320,200,20),velMagnitude,0.0,500.0);
GUI.Label(Rect(220,320,50,20), velMagnitude.ToString());
// New theta slider
GUI.Label(Rect(3,360,200,50), "Theta");
newTheta = GUI.HorizontalSlider(Rect(3,380,200,20),newTheta,0.0,90.0);
GUI.Label(Rect(220,380,50,20), newTheta.ToString());
if (GUI.Button (Rect (3,430,105,50), "Launch")) {
// Create time offset to start at a time of zero
newTime = Time.time;
// Move object while y is above ground plane
if ( y > 0 ) {
// Convert theta and r vector to x y vector
xInitial = velMagnitude * Mathf.Cos(newTheta * Mathf.PI/180);
yInitial = velMagnitude * Mathf.Sin(newTheta * Mathf.PI/180);
// Displacement x,y
x = xInitial * (Time.time - newTime);
y = yStart + (yInitial * (Time.time - newTime)) + (.5 * gravity) * ((Time.time - newTime) * (Time.time - newTime)); // yi+vi*t-1/2*g*t^2
// Move object
transform.position = Vector3(x, y, 0);
// Reset Location
if (GUI.Button (Rect (108,430,105,50), "Reset")) {
transform.position = Vector3(0, 10, 0);