Button - On click ()

Is it possible to use this feature to call loadScene and application exit in unity 4.6 without attaching new scripts to the buttons.
I have a Start and Exit button and would like them to call those 2 functions.

You can techincally do it through code and adding a listener, but it would be easier to put the start and exit or any of your menu events in one script and assign in in the inspector to that method/function for execution onclick. It would be nifty if you could assign the button gameobject as the onclick and in the functions you could use load level with an int or string(by name).

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MenuEvents : MonoBehaviour 
	public void LoadLevel(int levelIndex)

	public void LoadLevel(string levelName)

	public void ExitApplication()


You have to attach to an empty gameobject and then attach to the button onclick, then you can select the function/methods and pass an int or string for loading levels.