Button OnClick() after Scene restart is Missing (Object)


I have a GameObject with AudioSource and script which have this piece of code:
void Awake () {
if (!instance) {
instance = this;
} else {
Destroy (this.gameObject);
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);

I have also other methods, and main purpouse of this gameobject is to hold clips and play it by calling methods. When I add this GameObject to my Button OnClick() it works fine, but if I restart scene then there is no that GameObject assigned to Button OnCLick(), it says: Missing (Object).

Why is this happening?

I dont know the whole code but this part is okay. Did you tried adding listener to your buttons on OnEnable function?

My solution was to copy paste my manager into every scene and link func.s to the buttons. Then just disable the manager via inspector tick box to avoid having 2 listeners error. Just keep the original manager in first scene enabled and carry that one across if you need to. Scripts still work on the diabled manager. Func. say linked.