I have two canvases in one scene: a Game Canvas for the score and pause menu (which has a panel that shows when clicking pause button) - and - a Game Over Canvas that has a Retry and a Main Menu button. The buttons on both canvases work in the Unity Editor. But when I build to my Android, the Retry/Main Menu buttons on the Game Over canvas do not work to the touch. Everything on the Game Canvas does work. When I tap on the Retry/Main Menu buttons on Game Over, it looks like they are giving feedback (changing color) but nothing happens. Here is what I have tried:
- made sure I have EventSystem
- each canvas has a Graphics Raycaster
- Raycast target is enabled on both
- Sort order for the Game Over canvas is 1 where the Game Canvas is 0 (I read maybe the pause menu panel might be blocking the buttons on the Game Over canvas)
- tried changing Active Input Handling to “Both”
- tried changing Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera and set the match to 0.5 per a suggestion
I am at a loss at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!