The buttons in the Unity Hub aren’t working. I already tried getting a new version, but it still wouldn’t work
Comically referencing my answer but testing today even with a default browser set the buttons are no longer working and unityhub is still too stupid to throw any errors about what the issue is. It just silently locks you out of your projects…
I’ve been trying to get things working and to keep it brief I had moved from a Firefox based browser to Chrome based this week because Firefox uses GTK and GTK is broken on multiGPU systems. Setting a Chromium based browser as the default unityhub will not correctly open url/http but if I open Waterfox (firefox fork) and set as default unityhub functions. So it’s still doing something stupid as it’s more than just the default browser but something else in how url schemes are handled.
Update: I finally got things un___ed despite the lack of errors or anything in the logs. So Hub quietly passes a api schema to whatever the default browser is. Which may or may not know what the hell that is depending on browser and environment.
Then - in theory - the browser should kick back a dialog about passing the unity schema back to Unity Hub but this does not trigger reliably. (possibly security stuff) So Unityhub keeps things silent while passing things to other things that due to environment or security may silently dismiss things as well. Good 'ol Unity keeping everyone in the dark…