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That kind of thing will be possible…

Not sure if you have heard over here but apple are releasing a service to allow game developers to sell items or content In-Game.

Previously, all purchases on the iPhone or iPod Touch were ring-fenced within either the App Store or Apple's mobile version of iTunes.

Industry analysts said the new move would be an important revenue-generator for Apple and developers.

“This in-app payment capability is big news and provides a way for people to pay for content again,” said Mike McGuire of Gartner.

"It will be interesting to see how the print media reacts offering subscription services for magazines, newspapers and e-books.

“Game developers will cash in and I am very excited to see how music services leverage this new function,” he said.

This will obviously appeal to the Free-To-Play developers that are popping up everywhere.


There’s an existing thread where this was discussed. However, apparently you’re wrong about free apps. From ars:

You can’t make a game free and later charge for levels or flaming swords or horse armor. Best you can do is make a game merely $.99 and then charge for add-ons.

Ah ok. Odd that Apple would do that.

Regardless though, If the F2P publishers aim their sights at the iPhone and charge for the initial download at 0.99 then they still have a great workable platform as they make their money from purchased content not from an initial purchase fee.

Some of these free games are pretty impressive too.