Hello! I’m considering buying a mac mini - will it work for iOS development? Are they under-powered?
Thanks in advance!
Hello! I’m considering buying a mac mini - will it work for iOS development? Are they under-powered?
Thanks in advance!
You’d only need it to compile your packages, but you could do actual development on Windows.
Any fairly recent Mac should be fine for iOS development. Last year I had to stop using a 7-year-old iMac because it wasn’t able to update OS X to a version required for submitting to the App Store, but it was still capable of running Unity easily (Mac Mini models from early 2009 or newer can run Yosemite and I believe El Capitan).
Yeah, it’s fine. If your project gets really large a Mac Mini’s speed might drag you down, but for most people they work great.
mac minis are a bit slow but if you don’t need an iMac it should be ok. Im using macbook pro here and it works perfectly. Mac mini may be slow.
yes. They can run el capitan. All of the macs that runt yosemite can just like iOS 8 and iOS 9
I have a 2011 Mac Mini I got for 300 bucks and upgraded the ram to 8 gigs and it works great! Also if things get to slow for you on your mini you know it would be to slow on the iPad also, so in way its good but not too good so you know your limits… But yeah I love my mini!
Ok good as I said it should work just fine. Anyway if I were you I would buy a 21" iMac or a macbook. Anyway Mac Mini should be good.
No macs are bad.