If i “bought” asset from asset store, can i transfer package asset to another computer???
or can only buy for 1 computer?
You can download assets bought from the Asset Store onto any copy of Unity you are logged in to on any of your machines.
Your purchases are tied to your account.
Legally, all assets except those from Editor Extensions category are licensed per site, while the Editor Extensions are licensed per seat. That means once you buy let’s say a model you and your team own the rights to use the asset assuming you all work at one single location. Extensions are licensed per seat or per computer/developer, which means you’ll need one license for each member of your team as most often it is not possible to work on the same project if not everyone has the extensions, as it would be the case with NGUI or PlayMaker.
You just need to log onto your account, then you can download any assets that you have bought on that account.