Hi all, so my game has been growing and something I’ve never noticed before is a buzzing sound.
I wear headphones and listen to music normally while working on my projects, but as I’ve been adding sounds into my game I haven’t had any music playing and that’s when I noticed a buzzing noise. Anyway theirs this very annoying buzzing sound that gets loud in play mode. Turning down the volume in windows didnt change anything, but my headphones have a volume knob and when I turn down the volume on them it gets quieter.
I’ve seen other people saying they have similar problem but the fixes don’t work for me.
Is anyone else getting/had the same problem? anyone have any ideas on how to fix?
EDIT: found a simi fix, I created a script and used “Aplication.targetFrameRate = 60;” and that killed the noise. but when I changed the value to 1000 the noise came back. My monitor is 60hz and I have VSync enabled but I still am obviously getting super high frames.
check on different computer if it stays the same with different hardware, it may be a production issue
if the buzzing sound changes or goes away on other devices (especially low power devices), then it is a hardware issue with your setup
check audio drivers too, make sure they are updated
The fact that the windows knob didn’t change it, but the headphones did tells exactly nothing, other than the speakers in your headphones are probably okay. Everything else is potential problem. Including your motherboard, sound chip/card, videocard and PSU.
Also check your source audio clips outside of unity. This way you can isolate the issue if it is hardware or Unity processing issue on your hardware.
Coil whine typically comes from the graphics card itself, it doesn’t really travel through speakers / headphones.
This sounds more like the area around the headphone jack isn’t properly insulated and when power draw happens it caused interference and an audible buzz.
This is what helped me. Just enabling V Sync in project settings doesn’t turn it on in game mode it seems like. Thanks for help, whining is gone on laptop, and PC doesn’t make extra noise neither. The problem only happened in editor play mode.