/* For Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie */
#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
void rip()
printf(« Goodbye World! »);
I know, this is sad. I learned C from his book about 15 years ago (wow, I’m getting old!!) and C is prob still my favorite language…even tho I dont get a chance to use it that often.
He will be missed.
Cheers Dennis,
rest in peace
That’s quite an appropriate epitaph ZJP.
Didn’t understand in the beginning what is that code for, but now i see that one of the fathers of C language have died.
Too bad is not a news, because his impact on the computer world was greater than Steve’s.
not A father, but THE father of C. He invented that himself, and not only this, was one of the fathers of Unix. His contributions pretty much made how Apple work today. He will be honored and remembered by all geeky people, just not mainstream people. That doesn’t give anyone the right to compare his death with steve jobs though. Ignorant comments like that are not interesting.
It’s a shame computer people are dying, but it was only a matter of time before we looked around, checked our watches and realised it’s 2011 and not the early 80s any more.
Farewell, ‘R’
I learned C, gosh, 25 years ago from yours and 'K’s book. Sitting in a dim lab, the only light a fading desk lamp and the green phosphor glow from my VT-101 terminal hooked up to the miniVax running Ultrix. A first edition of “The White Book”, The C Programming Language propped up for reference.
Tonight, I raise my glass to you.
RIP DMR, you changed the world of programming. You’ll be missed.
C was the first language I learn back in 2004. I remember debating with a friend about which method was better to use…int main() { return 0;} or just void main(). For some reason as well, I love to use switch cases or structs whenever I can. That was just good times. I didn’t even know he passed away until last night. I think God might have some plans upstairs for a C programmer and iPhone developer.
You can’t return 0 from a void function…
I was sorry to hear this as well - RIP.
lol, this is true, maybe he meant to do this
int main(int argc, char **argv )
return 0;
I do know know this man, but to the looks of the thread here, it seems that he’s greatly respected by scripters here even at the digital age.
Rest in peace, Dennis.
The folks behind modern technology are not usually, nearly as famous as those that have come since, Mr. Ritchie was responsible for many computer related things in his lifetime, most people recognize his development of the C programming language, which is the foundation language for many computer languages since (including C++, C#, Java, etc…). While I did not know Mr. Ritchie, I have known many who have similar backgrounds (at least a few did know him), and all that I have know are quite modest about their achievements.
For those that don’t know, here’s his wikipedia page (it’s a poor summary of his 70 yrs of life in my opinion, but at least outlines why he stood out to many):
I deleted a couple of posts here. This isn’t the place to start arguments; keep it respectful and on-topic please.
Goodbye to another pioneer of the computer age. A real hardcore one, if I may …
I was also very saddened to learn of Ritchie’s death! I have the highest respect for him, Kernighan, Thompson and all the Unixy C Bell Labs gang back in the 70’s. C and Unix were many years ago and still remain to this day two of my greatest computer-related passions (yeah, Apple is another one of them ). My first incursion into the world of programming was some good years ago when my naive choice to take on Programming 101 for Physicists rather than Biology 101 resulted in me sitting in front of a circa 2000 Linux terminal to write my first lines of C code in Vi or Emacs, which was the only thing that was left up to choice for us as students. In hindsight, that was a pretty cruel thing to do to a kid who at the time had little more computer knowledge than to install service MacOS 8 computers
Nevertheless, pretty soon I found myself extremely interested in learning everything from how pointers worked to the whole architecture of a UNIX system, what a ride!
Now, several years fast-forwar’d and several extra skills added to my CV, I’m now here enjoying gamedev and Object Oriented Programming… but still loving C and Unix above many other things in the computer world. There is just no way to overstate the greatness of Ritchie’s contribution to modern technology, we’d be in a completely different modern world had it not been for his amazing research work! Do we really need to expand on how much so many programming languages have modeled themselves on C, and how much modern OS’s have done so on Unix and its entire evolution?? (not to mention, to what extent modern OS’s STILL can’t be even conceived without the use of C). I think not!
Rip() dmr, you will be sorely missed and your contributions forever remain in the highest regard!
- jmpp
PS: My two tweets on the subject:
Ok, that was my mistake, I apologize for making arguments inside a thread when it’s about respecting a famous scripter.