Context: I’m trying to get vertex attribute data from a raycasting shader in a custom SRP (tried in 2019.3.15, 2019.4.4 and 2020.1.0b11).
I’ve looked into HDRP library and I thought found what I was searching for with UnityRayTracingMeshUtils.cginc (found in CGIncludes), except that I get this error :
Ray Tracing Shader "ProbeTrace": Buffer "unity_MeshIndexBuffer_RT" is not set. Dispatching ray generation shader "RayGen" failed!
is a ByteAddressBuffer
in UnityRayTracingMeshUtils.cginc)
I searched on the HDRP package where I could have missed something but did not find anything that could match so I should have missed something in my command buffer setup ?
My setup is as follow :
// Textures Setup
// RayTracing Params setup
CMD.SetRayTracingShaderPass(rtShader, "RayTracing");
CMD.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure(rtShader, s_AccelerationStructureId, context.RTAccelerationStructure);
CMD.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rtShader, "outputRW", outputTarget.Identifier());
// Execution
CMD.DispatchRays(rtShader, "RayGen", (uint)raysSize.x, (uint)raysSize.y, 32);
Anyone encountered a similar issue, or with knowledge of what I did wrong ?