C#: Access variables of a class by string name

Hey Guys,
I’m currently trying to create a simple Minecraft Clone. I’ve created a Blocks Class containing all Blocks as static GameObject variables. Now I want to get the GameObject by using the string name of the variable. In Javascript (not UnityScript) you could do something like that:

function a() {
  this.x1 = "x";
  this.x2 = "y";
console.log(new a()["x1"]) // output: x

I’ve tried out multible code samples from stackoverflow and others, but they didn’t work in Unity C#.

Here’s my Code of the Blocks Class:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Blocks : MonoBehaviour {

	public static GameObject Dirt;
	public static GameObject Stone;

	public static GameObject AllBlocks;

	public static string[] getBlockList() {
		// return stringArray containing all blocks, for example: {"Dirt", "Stone"}
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		Dirt = GameObject.Find ("Blocks/Dirt");
		Stone = GameObject.Find ("Blocks/Stone");

		AllBlocks = GameObject.Find ("Blocks");
		AllBlocks.SetActive (false);
		Debug.Log (getBlockList ());

Thanks to anyone who can help!

Hmm… I think your aprouch is wrong here. It is possible to get a runtime field using Reflection but this comes with huge performance overhead. I suggest you create a class

public class BlockDefinition
  public string name;
  public GameObject root;

  public IEnumerable<GameObject> GetChildren()
    foreach(var child in root.transform)
     yield return child.gameObject;

public class BlockController: MonoBehaviour
  public BlockDefinition[] allblocks;

  // Now configure it in the designer. 
  // Avoid using static unless you know what you doing, it will prevent your gameobjects from being freed

If all blocks are children of the same GameObject then you could simply check the name of every one. You could also investigate LINQ.

List<GameObject> dirt = new List<GameObject>

foreach(Transform child in transform){
    if(name == "Dirt"){