I’m new to using Unity. So far I’ve managed to learn quite a lot, but I’ve come across a problem, which i’ve attempted to look for solutions although none seem to work for me.
I have three objects. The player, a door, and a collision object.
What i’m aiming for is, when a player walks over the collision object, the door will close.
Names of my objects:
- Player = Player
- Collision object = colision
- Door = frontdoor
My door also has a prefab which is called innerdoor which will be the object with an animation to open. This innerdoor object has been referenced by frontdoor by a script value. The value is called “doorInside”.
I’ve tried the following
Frontdoor = GameObject.Find ("frontdoor");
Innerdoor = GameObject.Find (Frontdoor.doorInside);
So Frontdoor is the name of the whole door object. doorInside is a value from a script which references the actual object that the animation is on which is called innerdoor
Sorry if this has been a terrible explanation, hopefully someone can help though.