I have large sets of events (onMouseClick, OnButtonPress, OnBoxLoad, OnEnemyDie, etc)
And a large set of actions (LoadBox, ThrustForward, BlowUp, AddHealth, etc)
The goal is to allow the user to create their own bindings by adding an action to an event.
Perhaps something like KeyPressed += new EventHandler(LoadBox), where KeyPressed is an event, and LoadBox is an Action(Action<T,T>)
I think this should work in theory, if I have a list of events and a list of actions and allow the player to pick an event and an action to add to its observers…but I can’t get the code to work.
The closest I have gotten is:
public void AttachEventToFunction(Event TheEvent,EventArgs TheArgs, Action TheFunction)
TheEvent += new EventHandler<TheArgs>(TheFunction);
Which, Obviously, Does not work. How can I make this work? Is there a better way to go about what I am trying to do? Am I asking this in the wrong place?