C# Bluetooth Address Family?

I have the following c# code:

using System.Net.Sockets;

Socket s = new Socket((AddressFamily)32, SocketType.Stream,(ProtocolType)3);

where 32 is the addressfamily of AF_BTH and 3 is the protocoltype BTHPROTO_RFCOMM, but apparently Unity’s mono distribution does not support the bluetooth address family. Has anyone found a way around this?


what platform are we talking about here? (cause depending on it the BT support itself could not be present at all as it has to be added manually depending on platform, desktop mono does not just magically work on mobile for example)

this is on a windows pc

Calling back a zombie. Was any progress ever made on this?


Bluetooth in Unity is like the weather: people talk about it but nobody does anything about it