C&C style RTS Community Project - Generals

UPDATE TO VERSION 1.1 (august 2009)

I’d like to share a Unity project that I have sitting on my disk for some time now. Idea was to create some kind of “Command Conquer - Generals” style RTS clone as pet project and as there was this nice competition over at TheUnityArtist.com (here and here) created by Thomas Pasieka I thought about releasing my work so far for free and try to make a community project out of it. So anyone is welcome to download the current little RTS demo project, improve it, send improvements back to me and I make new versions available for all again.

If that sounds interesting to you, please check out here the first version:

Current version is 1.1
http://www.decane.net/external/generals/Generals_Community_1.1.zip (133 MByte)

Older versions:
http://www.decane.net/external/generals/Generals_Community_1.0.zip (101 MByte)

Play it online here:

Please not that this webplayer uses right-mouse clicking too for moving on the map, deselecting units and such.

All the art assets from this game are free for personal and commercial use. Only thing asked for is: Give something back to the project if you like it. That’s all. If you have an improvement, send it in to me, I’ll patch the current version and make a new download zip available for all, right here in this thread.


It’s a lot what is needed for the project:

  • Nice buildings
  • Map with fog-of-war
  • Vehicles
  • Particles systems
  • Sounds
  • Code! Unit formation code with a unit priority system, path finding, basic AI code
  • Menu and game interface
  • Some music is already included, but maybe more?

Anyone interested in joining this project and work on it as pet project?


1 Like

Haven’t checked out the source, but from your list I gather you’ve already covered AI opponents?

Hehe, seems I wrote it misunderstandingly… no, what I mean originally was if you or someone familiar with your path library would be interested to put in path finding. I’ll correct the above text. :slight_smile:

Looks sweet. I am a really big fan of Generals and Generals Zero Hour. I hope that this project will be realeased someday as a ready-to-play product.
Can you upload made music anywhere separately?
Thank you for making it.

I’m making a RTS project myself, and i’m starting to create something with the help of some friends and the unity chat members, since i’m not a programmer.
Right now i’m at creating buildings on terrain, when it’ll be finished and polished i’ll pm you :slight_smile:

Hey Martin, I can’t thank you enough for sharing this project. I’m struggling to make a 3D point-and-click puzzle / adventure game and this is a huge help as a I’m just trying to come to terms with the physics stuff.

I’ll be sure to post anything that I think might contribute to the system, though I’ll more likely be taking things out than putting things in, I still might come up with something that could help.

Thanks again!

Glad to hear the project helps you! You’re most welcome! :slight_smile:

Hmm…i have a theme music, but at the moment the game have no main menu. But i have shot sfx for this project and explode sounds. All is done at ready to use.

I have always wanted to make a Supreme Commander style game - this will be a fantastic help. I`ll try to make a menu system but cannot promise much.

I cannot extract the zip file - I don`t know why gut it keeps telling me that “There is already a file of the same name in the folder specified, please choose another name” does not matter where I extract it to - it still does not work. I have had this problem on Windows Vista Home Premium (newest Service Pack) and Windows Vista Ultimate (newest Service Pack)

Please could you post a non zip file

I tried extracting it using Z Zip. It told me that the host OS was Unix, does anyone have a working windows copy?

Update to version 1.1!

Lots of code cleanup. The unit manager got cleaned up and works now via a singleton instance. The unit selection script got fixed and cleaned too and works way better now.

Also fixed is that the selection rectangle work now regardless from where you start to draw it. It uses now a texture instead of a gui rect. The unit selection is now done while the mouse is beeing dragged and not anymore only when the mouse button is released, so more like a “live selection”.

You find the new download link in the first post of this thread.

Well it is a lot better now. However, it still has a problem where if you select a unit it does not always follow your move orders. At least now, it seems too un-select the unit when it has this behavior. Still this is very annoying and buggy.

Ah yes, a small change. It needs the same “blur” clicking function like for the right mouse button, then it’s smooth.

I’ve re-uploaded V1.1 withe a smooth factor for the left/right mouse button selection. Should work better now.

What about the great music? Are we free to use it in other projects along with the art?

Yes, it’s free for commercial and non-commercial use. The only thing I ask for is to get credit for the music or art if possible. :slight_smile:

I’ve been meaning to download this to take a look, since I’m working on an RTS. Great idea, though. I’m PMing you my contribution, one fairly decent building.

It’s not the greatest, but it should work. Sent in a tank for the open source RTS project. Same terms as Herr Schultz, please credit me if using my artwork.


I like the idea of a community project and i’m thinking of contributing something.

Do you have a specific style in mind ?
And what would be your polygon limit on the different objects of the game ?

i’ve been meaning to do some 3D again.