Hi, just to clarify my understanding what’s the difference between that and just using the deployment window + deploy all? Are there extra steps you are taking before or after deployment?
Using deployment window + new API:
- Click Services/Deployment
- Click MyCustomTool/RegisterAPICallbacks
- Click Deploy on Deployment Window
that will build, deploy, create the dll when building, and my callback will copy the dll over
Using my window:
- Click MyCustomTool/Deployment
- Click deploy on my custom window
avoiding that single annoying step LOL yes - im that annoying regarding repetition. its a step that i can see my team missing all the time.
That, and of course - i can add more stuff, like a single button to upload other things, parse editor content to remote configs, etc…so i would already have a window either way 
This is weird, if you have repro steps we could take a look, I will try to repro as-is.
I was unsure on how to just add the callbacks, as there was nothing clear on the expected approach to subscribing to the event. so it might just be me being short-sighted
static void OnProjectLoadedInEditor()
Deployments.Instance.DeploymentWindow.DeploymentEnded += OnDeploymentCompleted2;
private static void OnDeploymentCompleted2(IReadOnlyList<IDeploymentItem> list)
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Deployment Window must be opened for this operation.
The itemlist is a wildcard *.cs. As long as the DTOs are in the same directory it will just work.
problem here is that my folder organization would be:
Forcing me to either change my folder structure to accomodate that, or maintain that list whenever there is a new module…
Now - that is my standard, which sounds like my problem 
My understanding right now is that you’re copying over a dll from your CloudCode solution to the assets folder, correct?
Yes, but automatically through the deployment api - so there is nothing i have to do. and the DTOS are really JUST DTO simple classes almost no logic. so although i understand the concern with net6, it has not been a problem as long as i treat DTO as DTO without trying anything fancy.
I’d be happy to try and understand better your use case and help out more, if you want to spend the time of course, as you are probably not the only one with the use-case.
Its a pleasure to help, although my solution is working if we can eventually have everything native would be so much better for future projects and new users! if there is any better communication channel i can use it as well.